Still very popular with fans frags online Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was at one time or another make way for his successor. If nothing said that the arrival of fifth opus relegates production Infinity Ward the cupboard, fans of the series rightly expect the heir to the blockbuster of last year with curiosity, but also a lot of apprehension. And we understand that developers Treyarch, already responsible for Call of Duty 3: Walk To Paris, have decided to revert to the original context of the series, namely the Second World War. A regression argue some, but developers want to be reassuring: it will be a new vision of the conflict, located in the heart of the Pacific. A bit like Medal Of Honor: Rising Sun

The presentation orchestrated by members of Treyarch present for the occasion began with a few remarks. Among them, an ad size: Call of Duty to come will no longer be numbered but will become a sub-heading, and the fifth opus shows an example. Call of Duty: World At War, because his name, has benefited from two years of development, double the third episode, argument trumpeted by Treyarch to give the player some reasons for hope. Hoping what? A campaign that does not align hackneyed situations, a little more complexity in environments proposed freedom of action that is not sacrificed on the altar of spectacle or a scenario finally mature.
On this last point, the first mission presented did not really reassured. In the shoes of an American soldier prisoner of the Japanese troops should be first to go through a scene of summary executions particularly savage before launching the assault on a beach in the company of reinforcements intervened to us out of trouble .slender then the first "Banzai!" to belch by Japanese soldiers. A formal brutal situation which, if it fits well in an action game, deserves still a hint of subtlety in terms of historical context exploited. In short, we hope that an introduction to the corridors of these clashes before the start of the game in its final version and that developers will finally decide to deal with this terrible conflict other than as a mere pretext.

The irritation overcome, we can dwell on the realization of this first environment. Based on the graphic engine of Call of Duty IV, the World At War honors his senior by posting a reported overall good bill. A tranquil water striped light, flames spitting particles rougeoyantes, a sandy beach covered by shadows that projects the light of the moon: the scene of the first battle we seduced. Likewise, the city devastated by bombs, only environment presented on the Russian side of the campaign, particularly in providing details and other effects of particulate offered a playground of more credible. We unfortunately can not be said of all missions revealed. These include the single level presented in terms of multiplayer whose aridity visual sharply contrasted sharply with the abundance of graphic effects of the first mission. Similarly, it still expects the series Call of Duty it finally decides to raise the level of interactivity of its surroundings. Without being completely frozen, sets noticed missing still life, blamed a physics engine that promises to be once more fairly lazy. We are nevertheless remained in a good overall impression and let us not forget that this was a far from being finalized. It can therefore suspect Treyarch for putting the package on the first level and a little less for more ...

The first bullets exchanged we have offered a small glimpse into the gameplay of the title. Again, we must not expect major changes. If we can not obviously not a decision we firmly on the mechanical game as a whole, the impression given by the demonstration that we have seen has been rather tepid. From Call Of Duty pure juice: corridors, checkpoints and confrontations scripted constitute the bulk of phases unveiled Thursday. It should be noted, however, a staging remains turbulent trademark of the series. The ambushes should be commonplace since the developers were keen to emphasize the strategy used at the time by the Japanese forces. We were promised and a specific behavior for the latter supported by a legacy of Artificial Intelligence Call of Duty IV and reworked for the occasion. The Japanese soldiers should not hesitate to sacrifice for victory by multiplying the same tension clashes. An innovation still promise that we therefore expect the realization joystick in hand. But Call of Duty: World At War should not stop at this recipe and chewed eye up . The developers have indeed provided some have implemented changes such as those introduced in the fourth opus. We find a sequence shooting perched on a turret air during which it will flow of Japanese vessels. A moment of great spectacle for which teams Treyarch have not skimped on pyrotechnics. It is worth noting that the flamer should take a leading role to flush terres soldiers in their bunkers and other underground plaques.

Asked multiplayer developers Treyarch seem not to have taken the legacy of the fourth episode lightly. World At War will offer the opportunity to cooperate to four players throughout the campaign whatsoever offline, split screen or online. A mode called a body and cry by the owners of Modern Warfare, and they can finally enjoy with this fifth dimension. This cooperative mode will also account the grade earned by players in multiplayer classic (deathmatch, etc.). And balance the challenge proposed strengthening the enemy troops. So much for the moment everything that Treyarch and Activision have kindly announced their title. Nothing has filtered by the clashes in line and we do not always know if we will find all the great ideas introduced by his grandfather. One can only hope ...
First meeting mixed with the title of Treyarch. Call of Duty: World At War should ensure as planned without too essential to depart from the specifications of the series. In the action, great show, all provided by an arsenal of scripts to the Web millimeter. Nevertheless, it is hoped that the promises made during this presentation, including on Artificial Intelligence, to be implemented and that the title gets a scenario smart enough to make us forget the horrible slump ideological Opus precedent. Finally, to cross our fingers for a return to the multiplayer arrivals in addition to a cooperative mode that is expected at the turn.
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