Alot of people are asking questions such as "whats a rom?" or "whats firmware?" and i decieded to make this lil dictionary for psp related terms. its a work in progress and i expect people to contribute to it.
Ad-Hoc: a localized network used to play multiplayer psp games
Brick: Psp rendered dead. firmware corrupted
Bricker: A program designed to brick a psp, or render it useless
Capture.prx: plugin that enables screenshots on psp
Cintro: Movie played at the psp's boot instead of a image
Corrupted data: file that is corrupted that psp with this firmware can´t read.
CSO: Psp .iso file that has been compressed to take up less space on the memory stick
Custom Firmware: Independently coded versions of Sony's firmware, utilizing addition features, the ability to play the latest games, and access to homebrew applications
Cold Boot: Opening image you see when you first boot the psp (such as the sony of america image on stock psps)
Convert: Changin file format to another
CWCheat: PRX file that allows the user to change aspects of a game and modifiy its parameters
CXMB.prx: Plugin for ctf themes that has to be enabled in recovery mode if you wan`t to have ctf themes
Ctf theme/format: Type of custom theme in another format
Dead Pixel: defective pixel that remains unlit on the psp
Devhook: Program used to launch .iso files and homebrew as well as launch newer UMD's
Downgrader: Program used to turn back a psp's firmware and make it useable for homebrew
Dump: Extracting information from a source, such as firmware or umd
Eboot: a .pbp file that allows the psp to execute homebrew applications
ELF: executable and linking format - now appears as the default binary format on operating systems such as Linux,
Solaris 2.x, and SVR4
Epsilon Bios: Bios files used with the Undiluted Platinum mod chip
Emulator: program used to imitate other video game systems
related: Roms
Exploit: a vulnerability in the psp's firmware that allows homebrew and downgraders to be used
EXP: export file - Some programs will use the .EXP file extension to denote an export from that program
Flash: Chips built into the psp that stores the firmware. Accessed via custom firmware mods
Flash Player: media player used to play .flv files. aslo supports SOME internet flash websites
FLV: Format used by the psp's flash player. files downloaded in .flv format are viewable from the memory card
Firmware: The psp's embedded operating software. Stored on a flash-rom module
GTA: Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories. Used for downgrading 3.03 to 1.50 firmware
Gameboot: Video seen at the very beginning of the psp's boot cycle
Homebrew: Homemade games or applications coded by a independent programmer.
HENC Homebrew Enabler Revision C. Application used to launch homebrew in newer firmwares
aslo: HEND
HEND: Homebrew Enabler Revision D: Application used to launch homebrew in newer firmwares. updated version of HENC
Hello World: Small homebrew program used to show homebrew capibilities on newer firmwares.
Infastructure: psp network used to find access points and get on the internet
Iso: digital version of a optical based video game. similar to a rom
IsoCompressor: computer program that can convert game file(iso,cso,dax etc.) to another file.
INI: initialization file, or INI file, is a configuration file that contains configuration data (i.e. idiom terms)
Kernal: Component used to control resources within the psp.
KXploit: Method of running homebrew by utilizing 2 folders. one with a % and one without. EX: snes_TYL and snes_TYL%
LCD: Liquid Crystal Display. the type of screen the psp uses
MAC Address: Number assigned to the psp in order for it to be identified on a network
Magic Memory Stick: Moded memory card with files to unbrick/install custom firmware on offical firmware psp. Pandora battery is also needed to unbrick/install custom firmware.
Magicgate: Sony's copyright protection for memory sticks
MP4: MPEG-4. Video format used by the PSP.
Memory Stick: The psp's memory card. comes in various sizes, from 32mb all the way up to 8gb
MS: Abbreivation for Memory Stick
MSO: Root of the memory stick
Open Edition(OE): type of custom firmware
Pandora battery: Moded battery which is in use to unbrick/install custom firmware on psp with officall firmware. The magic memory stick is also needed to unbrick/install custom firmware.
PBP: .PBP files are used by the Sony PSP console to launch software such as a firmware update
POPS: Sonys built in Playstation (ps1,psx,psone) emulator. 3.xx firmware and up
PMF: Process Management Files - define the metrics that an application could collect during runtime
PSP: Sony's handheld portable gaming system. PSP stands for Playstation Portable
PSPVideo9: Computer program used to convert video files over to mp4 to be played on the psp
Proof of Concept: a coders prototype towards a future program
PRX: a .prx file. external plugin used in custom firmware to help customize the functionality and looks of the psp's firmware
Ptf format/theme: Very simple type of custom theme in another format
RAW: raw image file contains minimally processed data from the image sensor of a digital camera or image scanner
Recovery Menu: Menu used to alter various settings on a psp w/ custom firmware installed. accessed by holding the R button at boot
Rip: Slang term used when extracting information from a optical source, such as a CD or DVD. similar to a Dump
Root: Uppermost folder on a memory card
Rom: digial version of a cartridge based video game
RCO: File extension, located resources file. holds the data of functions the psp have, such as text, sounds, icons, or actions
Semi-Brick: When the psp enters a partial brick state, including but not limited to xmb problems, blue screen of death (BSOD) and a "black screen" at boot. occurs only in Custom Firmware psp's
Stuck Pixel: red, green or blue pixel caused by a defect in the psp's screen
TA-082: Motherboard update by Sony to attempt to prevent downgrading
Theme: Collection of icons, sounds, font, and wallpaper to check the look of the psp's xmb
TIFF: Known exploit using the PHOTO menu in a psp
UMD: Universal Media Disk. Sony's chosen format for games and movies
Undiluted Platinum: Psp Mod Chip. Allows two different firmwares to be used
USB: Universal Serial Bus. The prefered method of getting data on and off of a memory stick. requires a usb cable
VSH: Folder within psp's flash module that contains files related to the psp's theme
WLAN: Wireless Local Area Network. Links the psp to a wireless router
WMA: Windows Media Audio. compressed audio format supported by the psp
XMB: Cross Menu Bar used to access settings, music, videos and the internet in addition to the psp's settings
source afterdawn
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