Final Fantasy 13 was the biggest moment of what turned out to be a damn squib of an E3, but even this could turn out to be over-shadowed by events Square can’t control, Minimum Wage Gamer has tasked their best investigator to find out 5 reasons why Final Fantasy on the 360 wont be A PS3 Killer. So Click the link below ,grab a beer or your respective drink and get ready for Minimum Wage Gamers ( 5 reasons why Final Fantasy on the 360 wont be A PS3 Killer.
5.Final Fantasy WON’T be released on the xBox 360 in Japan.
This is really the biggest kick in the teeth, considering now that Sony believes that the PS3 has sold more than the 360 in Europe. But over in Japan, Final Fantasy is an obsession on a national scale, the money generated from that exclusivity in Japan should be enough for Sony not to worry about Europe and America.
4.Final Fantasy 11 was on the 360.
Remember 11, or as the more optimistic like to remember ‘The 6th most played Xbox live game’. Although this also appeared on the PS2, the game was mainly for Microsoft, as an early MMORPG. Unfortunately, bar the hardcore, the game never took off for 2 years on the platform, the same thing may happen again for 13.
3.Final Fantasy 7 – Will History strike twice? No
If message boards had be the domain of the ignorant and stupid back in 1997, many Sony and Nintendo fans would be sprouting the same kind of verbal sewage that is being spilled today. Final Fantasy was a Nintendo game, no one would dare dream releasing it on a different console, and for a time, the cartridge was going to support Final Fantasy 7, but Square in the end plumbed for the CD, and there was still a whopping 3 of them to go through.
Ok, come on, you knew this one was coming. DVD’s can hold around 8GB, Blu-Ray 50GB. That’s roughly 6 DVD’s worth of gameplay that could be fitted onto a Blu-Ray disc. If Metal Gear Solid 4 filled the disc up, then there’s a strong chance that Final Fantasy 13 will push the media, and the more disc’s and possible installation on the 360 could cause problems for the Hard Drive.
1.Spin-Off’s and DLC.
Versus, the spin-off for the PS3, is still PS3-exculsive for the time being. Now not exactly world shifting I know, but it’s still Final Fantasy and fans will still lick it up. But the interesting part could be DLC, with Microsoft securing it for GTA and Fallout 3, Sony may have an ace yet to play and have secured for Final Fantasy 13. Having said that, watch as Microsoft sweep it now for the 360…
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