Launched shortly after the success of Operation Flashpoint first name, following the game action / tactic has been placed in abeyance very quicklyCodemasters, owner of the license, and Bohemia Interactive, the original developer, have actually interfered with and while the latter embarked on the design of ArmA, the British publisher was forced to seek a new team to take responsibility Operation Flashpoint 2.This is done now for a few months and Codemasters has been reviving its communication unfortunately not really entering into details.We espérerions that E3 2008 is finally the opportunity to see the beast "movement" ... We could hardly be farther account!

Operation disinformation?

If it is an action game, Operation Flashpoint goes completely against the tide of the current trend. And even though most of the FPS / TPS is limited to a series of corridors / rooms more or less varied, Operation Flashpoint we proposed to move as freely in the world on a map / battlefield for a military experience as realistic as possible.For this second opus, it is obviously subject to resume this concept by going much further. On paper, the island which will serve as a playground should be twice as large and allow much more strategic in clashes which oppose both the Americans and Chinese.

The conflict pretext for Thursday should also be changed to "time" for us to propose the most modern fighting with all that this involves changes in equipment and weapons. Also on paper, developers have spent considerable time to reproduce a simply amazing number of vehicles or equipment of all kinds.The battles fought on land, at sea or in the air should therefore offer a variety and richness even greater than those of Operation Flashpoint history and not disappoint the fans new parameters "technical" as congestion should be taken into account.The developers have also reviewed artificial intelligence to make it more "imaginative".

Indeed, it should be impossible to reproduce the same clashes twice in a row, but we have unfortunately been unable to verify. Actually, we have actually been able to verify anything at all during the presentation done at the E3 2008. We are obviously sorry for this "first contact" with completely lope Operation Flashpoint 2, but the developers had in fact absolutely nothing to show others that few drawings and a video without interest. While the game is, officially, still scheduled for next year on PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, this is obviously not at all reassuring and of course we hope that the Leipzig Games Convention will provide an opportunity for Codemasters correct a fire that has for the moment completely lope its target.

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