So far only presented through its cooperative mode at the Microsoft conference, Resident Evil 5 was fortunately playable on the Capcom booth.Better yet, two environments we were offered, with each of them, a few scenes of cooperation with the beautiful Artificial Intelligence named Sheva (no, it is not a former star of AC Milan). First impressions hot under the African sun.

Without going through the case introduction, the first mission that we proposed this demo we put immediately into the atmosphere.After the execution of a poor here under the screams of a hysterical crowd visibly possessed, our two officials authorized by the United Nations is designated as the next victims.Galvanizes by a worrying head of pack eruct ant his orders in a megaphone, angry villagers stormed take early biconvex in which fled Chris and his acolyte.The first sequence was not without recalling the early Resident Evil 4Indeed, to get the player here must barricade the windows with cabinets and other shelves, but also search the lower corner of his homeless fortune to find some ammunition and items carefully.The preparation phase is completed, just the first assaults enemies.While windows are still the coup, the main door gave the first leaving some villagers armed with machetes invest our stash.First gunfire. We quickly find our brands through a DualShock 3 mapped as its predecessor and, most importantly, gameplay strictly identical to that of the fourth opus.

All orders are back quickly in memory, thereby enabling us to discover new features introduced by the presence of an allySheva is involved in the clashes effect effectively offering us a few bullets extracted from its inventory ammunition when we come to miss.The converse is also possible: by going to our own inventory, pressing the button R2 provides access to one of our partner to transfer the item of our choice. Attention, however, not be too far away from it because the exchanges are hand in hand A detail that is not really one because our duo will sometimes separate.But back to the assault qu'essuient Chris and Sheva.Always smart enough, the villagers regularly referred to our failure, requiring us to be faster to achieve them.Their behaviour is indeed in all points identical to that of their counterparts Hispanic Resident Evil 4.A sense of deja-vu pretty disappointing but not really daunting.

For its part, Sheva is formidable. What dispel our fear of a weighted ball more disabling than anything else. We will also regularly help, we injected a dose of adrenaline when our ECG becomes critical A support he needed, however, ask him before finally succumbing. Because if we regularly prodigal son using his own initiative, it is also possible to seek a full combat to receive items, weapons and care. In the same way, when it is surrounded by enemies and ready to succumb Help a symbol and a direction just let us know. And it is better not to delay to lend a hand because his death will mean the end of the game. Fortunately this type of situation does not come every five minutes, provided to cooperate effectively.

As the level-design, we felt well thought out with a number of shelters and exploit enough verticality for not being jammed.Ladders and stairs we have in fact allowed to escape when the enemy attacks became impossible to contain. Some barrels explosives and other cans of gasoline we have also occasionally help reduce the number of our attackers.To return to the villagers, the environment second, more advanced, we marked by the presence of parasites flying corpses while escaping just slaughtered. Targets a little more difficult to hang but less resistant than their peers housed in the body of the villagers. Finally, our first encounter with Resident Evil 5 was closed on the arrival of the now-famous giant armed with a chainsaw and masked a bloodied cloth. A formidable opponent, as was that of the fourth episode.

First convincing experience with this Resident Evil 5.Based largely on the achievements of his predecessor, the new production of Capcom expanding nevertheless finds some good thanks to the presence of ShevaTechnically, the title meets all our expectations: whether on PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360, Resident Evil 5 is visually sumptuous without ever losing its fluidity.It remains perhaps too much closeness to the fourth episode that we see hopes dissipated over the long term.
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